
Naruto New Age

A free Naruto text-based RPG for all who wish to join!

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Naruto RPG (Role Playing Forum )

The Webmaster of this site is reviving this forum: http://narutonation. narutorpg. org Please get online on this forum. It is going to be the best forum. So please get online.

naruto, forum, #role, playing, game, webmaster, this, site, reviving, forum:, please, online, going, best, onlin

The Worlds Collide

A Collection of Alternate Universe Hetalia Role-plays

worlds, collide, collection, alternate, universe, hetalia, role-plays

Castle Oblivion RPG

Here Oc's and kh character's role play.

castle, oblivion, here, oc's, character's, #role, play


A place where those of Chaotic TCG can RP [Role Play] properly.

chaoticrp, place, where, those, chaotic, [role, play], properly

Bleach Role Playing Game

Free forum : Come and join the group, play as your favorite character from Bleach or create your own.

bleach, #role, playing, game, soul, reaper, arrancar, vizard, quincy


Fans of DBZ bring you, a laid back free style rpg. In depth role playing is never required.

neversaga, fans, bring, laid, back, free, style, depth, #role, playing, never, required

One Piece : Eternal Ocean

One Piece Role Playing Forum

piece, eternal, ocean, #role, playing, forum

Naruto Legacy RPG

A Naruto RPG with Unique Skill Systems and Housing!

ninja, #role, play, naruto, legacy

The True Universe

An Roleplaying site for serious role players. It's based on various anime and video games. It might seem strange at first but I'm sure you'll warm up to the idea once spending enough time with us.

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Bleach: Dawn Of Demise

A free to play, text-based role play site. Make your character and face destiny.

bleach:, dawn, demise, free, play, text-based, #role, site, make, your, character, face, destiny

RPG Cafè

The cafè of the RPG World.

forum, cafe, game, development, #role, play, world, cafè, role-play, myrhs

Dragon Twilight

The Spiritual Seas of Eternity. Dragon Twilight. Dragon Otherkin Dragonkin Forums Twilight Spirituality Spirit Soul Phoenix Role Play RP RPG Art Literature Sea Seas Eternity Inner Self Shaylle Firecla

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We All Lead Such Elaborate Lives

Free forum : a role playing site for characters from any book, movie, television show, or Broadway musical you choose. Original Characters are welcome, but they must fit comfortably into the Cannon ve

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Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay

Here you can Role-play characters from Yu-Gi-Oh of your choice, including your own characters!

yu-gi-oh, roleplay, here, role-play, characters, from, your, choice, including, characters!

Shadows of The Light

Guiding Light role-playing game

shadows, light, guiding, role-playing, game

Madagascar Role Play Forum!

Have you wondered what you could have done as an animal in the Madagascar world or see through Alex's eyes? Let this forum be to you as a life in the world of Madagascar.

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Free forum : Air Gear RP

Free forum : A role playing site dedicated to Air Gear.

free, gear, #role, playing, site, dedicated

Ruins of Adventure

Ruins of Adventure Dungeons & Dragons 3. 5 Role Playing

ruins, adventure, dungeons, dragons, #role, playing

The 92nd Infantry Division

A Garry's Mod World War 2 serious role-playing server.

92nd, infantry, division, garry's, serious, #role, play

Neo Crusaders: Games, Anime,Manga and More...

Games, Anime, Manga, Music, Role Play Games, Chat and more!

free, forum, crusaders, manga, anime, #role, play, games, music, xbox, playstation, nintendo, computers, chat

The Creed of Eternal Darkness

The Creed of Eternal Darkness is an advanced freelance RP (role-play) site where you can RP to your heart's desire. We have a range of topics for everyone, different cities for your characters, homes, businesses, tournaments, free roam areas, and so

advanced, #role, play, text, based, website

Free forum : The MacGregors

Role-play, MacGregors, Renaissance Kingdoms. free forum : The MacGregors

free, role-play, macgregors, renaissance, kingdoms

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