Watch Dogs - Titanfall - CoD4 - CoDWaW - Call Of Duty - Modern Warfare - Skyrim - GTAV - Borderlands 2 - Playstation - League Of Legends - Guild Wars - Battlefield - Punkbuster Fix - Fallout 4
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The Leaders in Gaming.
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Free forum : Medal of Honors Heores 2 (PSP Clan). T2O Clan Gaming Forum | MOHH2, MOHH1, COD4
Free forum : Newly Remodeled home of the Infamous Magtubers Clan. Known in the COD world as:{MTC}
Free forum : Mercenaries Of Honor Gaming Clan. Mercenaries Of Honor
free, mercenaries, honor, gaming, clan, call, duty, gears, xbox, playstation, halo, crapgamer, fevens, designs, modern, warfare, movie, reviews, game
Relentless Militia was founded in 2007. Originally made for mohh2. We now play many games among many consoles. Be apart of the family. Feel free to checkout our site at http://clanrm. com
FPS Game Clan
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Bad Rumour was the greatest PS3 clan ever. History was made on these forums.
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PS3 Gaming Clan
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Call of Duty: Zombie Forum
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The home of the best clan on Earth
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare for the Wii, Boss, Krypty, Swerve, Bad Gas, Jenn, Baracus, Filacio, Dakilla, HunTARD
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Established 2008 «WiiU & 360 & PS3 & Wii»
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Call of Duty Informer is a first person shooter (FPS) based website.
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Free forum : Subzero is a PS3 exclusive gaming clan. We focus mainly on Modern Warfare 2 and the rest of the CoD Franchise.
subzero, call, duty, modern, warfare, clan, recuiting, exclusive, gaming, recruiting, friendly, gamebattles, guides, tips, tricks
We are an Australian based clan that supports Crysis wars and the COD series.
crysis, wars, clan, australian, stand, your, ground, support, moment, australia
A forum for the gaming clan SlaK.
cod4, slak, clan, forum, slak's, modern, warfare, call, duty