
The Cullenists

Free forum : this forum is for fans of Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer and of course fans of The Cullens, what else? hahaha.

free, twilight, stephenie, meyer, edward, cullen, cullenists, bella, swan, hang, place, jasper, hale, #rosalie, emmett, alice, carlisle, esme, jacob, black

Topics linked your research : rosalie

Old Feelings Die Hard (Twilight) Rosalie/Alice

Old Feelings Die Hard By: TracyCook Disclaimer: I own nothing. These characters belong to the creator of Twilight Couple: Rosalie/Alice Rating: M Chapter 1 Meetings Rosalie's POV Life for Rosalie hadn't been close to perfect, she

Countries of the Mai-Otome universe

Now, Billy and I were watching Mai Otome and figured there must be some correlation to these fictional countries and our real countries. Because, who makes up all that back story for shortly mentioned countries without having it based on something real?

Rosalie Dodds

Rosalie Dodds 1941- Sussex

Laura Bianchi and Rosalie Claudel: Are they lovers?

Laura Bianchi and Rosalie Claudel: Are they lovers? Somebody's happy to see Rosalie! Why hello there, Laura-sama~ Only Otome that know each other quite well would engage in this type of cute behavior. Rosalie's feels are quite

Celebrate Mai Hime-Otome Character and Seiyuu Birthdays Parte 2~!!

Oh look guys! Part 2 for this awesome thread!! Not only should we party down for ourselves, we need to party with our favorite HiME (and other supporting players) too on their special day! Here's a master list: January 1 - Yukariko

Mai-乙HiME Elimination Game: Most Important Secondaries ROUND SEVEN

WELCOME TO THE SECOND EVER... MAI-OTOME ELIMINATION GAME!!! ROUND SEVEN!!! In our new elimination game we determine who is the most beloved secondary character from the Mai-Otome series (not counting Zwei and Sifr). This includes some Otome that

Who do you think the best looking HiME/Otome is?

basically, the thread name and why. i'll start :) for me, it'd have to be Mai . Her build is just pretty much spot on for my tastes. and i'm talking about overall, not just her chest, that's more just a bonus in my mind lol. for me, legs are a big

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