What's the deal with these tomato leaves? I grew them from seeds and transplanted about 3 weeks ago. And my Big Boy transplant that I bought from a non-organic grower (imported from Mass.) which came with blossoms that now are 2
Okay, so any who know a little about me know this is my first year gardening. I need help figuring out what is going on. It is a very sad day in my garden. We had rain Friday, Saturday and Sunday so I didn't do much in the garden other then just peak for
I have a question for you... Have you ever "walked" your cat on a leash? I saw an elderly lady today on my route coming outside to get the mail. First off, she came out only seconds after the mailman left her mailbox....as if she had been waiting
Can someone identify these two mammillarias? Andreas 1 http://i40.servimg.com/u/f40/17/10/61/14/mammil19.jpg 2 http://i40.servimg.com/u/f40/17/10/61/14/mammil20.jpg
I know there are a lot of topics about rolling leaves, but I have a bad case of curling leaves in all of my 11 varieties of tomatoes and the tomatillos. These have been planted for over a month, the temps are warm/hot. Everything was started from seed i
This is my first square foot garden… So far I have harvested 9 beautiful tasty cukes(note to self… only 2 cuke plants next year) 1 jalalpeno, and 1 of the most beautiful zukes I have ever seen. I wrote in a couple of weeks ago with tomato and pepper