Riding on the Darkside

Gathering place for those willing to run on the Darkside.

darksider, tire, motorcycle, #1800, 1300, honda, suzuki, yamaha, kawasaki, goldwing, valkyrie, daniel, meyer

Topics linked your research : 1800

Miners Rights

The Miners Rights for Victoria can be bought online Click Here West Aust Miners Right W.A http://www.dmp.wa.gov.au/ Click Here Queensland Fossickers Permit QLD.

Weds cerebus II 19x9.5 +26 19x10.5 +25 $1800

Weds Cerebus II FOR SALE 19x9.5 +26 3" lip 19x10.5 +25 3.5" lip 5x114.3 $1800 Located in SoCal Open to trades if

Daylight creek Sunny Corner

Went to do some panning at sunny corner the other day,looking for a new spot came across daylight ck this greek runs just below the old sunny corner mine and to my surprise there are signs all along the creek dont drink or wash in these waters,the water

Minelab SD 2000 VS SD 2100

l'm trying to decide between a second hand minelab SD 2000 for $800 or a SD 2100 for $1100, is it worth paying an extra $300 for the 2100 ? what is the difference btweeen the two and what makes the SD 2100 better.

3200m/2mile contenders

Top 12 contenders for the 2 mile/3200m Tony Benson Bernie Burke Gerard Davey Mick Goss E W Govan Herb Hedemann Alan Lynch A Mutiner Malcolm Norwood Leigh Paterson John Toleman Vivian Woodward

GP Extreme - Coil Preference...

Appologies in advance as I know this question has been asked before, but I still couldnt really find the answer I was looking for. Just wanting to know what the best coil is for my GP Extreme? For those of you that have owned/used an extreme, what coil

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